Always Be Hiring

Dec 12, 2023

The infamous line – Always Be Closing (ABC) can be rebranded for today’s marketplace into Always Be Hiring.

Yesterday a client asked me if now is a good time to be hiring and I responded that its always a good time to be hiring. Always. We work in an environment where team members have opportunities and they leave when we least expect them to. We are also always growing and evolving our businesses and I cash flow plan to be at least one team member ahead of demand. Again, always, Build additional payroll into your cash flow plan.

My worst nightmare is having A clients that we disappoint because we dont have the team available to get the work out that we promised to deliver. I do the work myself. NIghtmare!

To avoid this situation and the stress, anxiety and sleepless nights, I am always hiring. You just never know when that A Player will pop into your inbox.

To always be hiring is a commitment of time and money. Someone has to manage and review the inbound applications as well as the budget for time and postings. This too, is worth the effort. Budget for the time. Budget for the money. You will find A Players and you will have an active and engaged team. Guaranteed!


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