Are you ACTIVELY growing your business?

Jul 25, 2024

Actively growing your business is NOT sales!  I speak to so many firm owners who love to brag about how their revenue has grown year to date. I am not impressed by revenue numbers. I AM impressed by net profit margins, capacity and team assessment reviews.

I know growing a big revenue number is exciting. Believe me, I get it. But sales alone will only create frustration for you and your team. ACTIVE Growth can come by increasing prices, improving and streamlining processes and hiring additional help to add capacity in anticipation of growing sales.

I am working with a firm owner right now who does not have capacity to take on additional clients so we have paused sales meetings but we increased all client fees effective 9/1 to reach her 2024 revenue goals. With the additional profitability we are now turning to hiring additional team members to increase capacity before we turn back to sales.

There is plenty of business available. Great clients will always be out there for you. Take your time and actively grow your business with purpose and a plan. If you need help with your plan, reach out to me. I have capacity in August to work with 2 firm owners.




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