Are you collaborating WITH your peers?

Jan 23, 2024

I have worked in the tax and accounting industry for twenty five years and I have not found much professional collaboration between firms. Let’s work together to change that!  We are not competitors, we are colleagues. There is plenty of business for all of us. How about we collaborate? Share what works, share what doesnt for the greater good. When I see firms step into the space of sharing their knowledge and their resources with other firms, good things happen.

The process starts with clarity. Clarity on who you are, who you serve and your special zone of genius. Then share that with your colleagues. When you receive a referral thats not a good fit for your firm, send the referral on to a colleague who may be a better fit. When you find a software solution that you love, share that solution with your colleagues.

The rising tide raises all ships – do I have that right? Well you know what I mean.

What if you reach out to 2 colleagues that you know, like and trust today and set up a monthly coffee dat. Start small. Build mutual trust and respect and watch yourself and your firms grow together. Let me know if you’d like me to facilitate a small group for you. Its powerful and it works.


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