Are you talking or are you listening?

Nov 30, 2023

How many meetings have you sat in and just listened? It is always amazing to me how much so many professionals like to hear themselves talk. Have you noticed that? I sat through a painful hour with a gentleman yesterday who just talked at me. Ugh. Now I love to talk too but there is a time when it is much more appropriate to listen. Attentively listen.

Prospect meetings…..listen. Networking meetings…..listen. Zoom calls………..listen. I absolutely guarantee that you will learn more and garner more positive results by listening than by talking in these situations. No clients and no colleages want to hear you talk about yourself, how experienced and smart you are. Surprised? Listen and watch.

Asking prospects or networking partners about themselves and actively listening engages and changes the dynamic and the conversation.

So for the very next meeting you have today or this week, I challenge you to listen, actively listen. Bite your tongue if you have to. Then witness the change in how you perceive the meeting as well as how you are perceived.

Listening is more powerful than talking.

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