Educating Business Owners about Tax Deductions.

“Ignite Success” with Connie Pheiff from Talent Concierge

“Ignite Success” with Connie Pheiff from Talent Concierge

 On "Ignite Success," Wendy Barlin welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Wendy spoke with Connie Pheiff from Talent Concierge. To learn more, check...

“Ignite Success” with Jill Lutz from Let’s Build Talent

“Ignite Success” with Jill Lutz from Let’s Build Talent

 On "Ignite Success," Wendy Barlin welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Wendy spoke with Jill Lutz from Let's Build Talent. To learn more, check...

Who gets audited?

Who gets audited?

Have you ever wondered who the IRS targets for audit? It is often not who you would guess. One of the most common strategies the IRS uses to select taxpayers for audit is Computer Scoring. This is where tax returns are compared to statistical norms from the National...

The IRS Won’t Call You

The IRS Won’t Call You

Have you answered your phone and found an IRS agent on the other end? That is NOT an IRS agent. These are SCAM calls. The IRS will NOT call you. The IRS ALWAYS notifies you of any issues by mail. Sometimes the notice you receive in the mail will have the name and...

Credit card payments are not tax deductible

Credit card payments are not tax deductible

According to Wallet Hub, the median credit card debt is now $2,260. This is up from 2020 in the peak of COVID and is for consumer credit cards. So are we as business owners incurring credit card debt also? I always find it important to remind business owners that your...

“Ignite Success” with Nancy Fox from Fractional Connections

 On "Ignite Success," Wendy Barlin welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Wendy spoke with Nancy Fox from Fractional Connections. To learn more,...

“Ignite Success” with Dr. David Wilcox

 On "Ignite Success," Wendy Barlin welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Wendy spoke with published author Dr. David Wilcox. Dr. Wilcox is the...

“Ignite Success” with Hillary Gadsby from Boss Talks

 On "Ignite Success," Wendy Barlin welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Wendy spoke with Hillary Gadsby from Boss Talks. To learn more, check out...

Home Office Tax deductions remains a Hot Topic

Home Office Tax deductions remains a Hot Topic

We have all been working from home at some point in the last two years and I still get a LOT of questions about Home Office Tax deductions. There is a so much misinformation out in the world. Taking a home office deduction will NOT get you audited!  There are milions...

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