Educating Business Owners about Tax Deductions.

Weekly team meetings – YES!

Weekly team meetings – YES!

YES, I am a fan of weekly team meetings. You pick the day. My preference is before lunch on Monday or end of day Thursday but pick what works best for you and your team. My team meetings were always virtual and you can choose a combination of virtual and in person or...

Its THAT time of the year – team reviews

Its THAT time of the year – team reviews

Having spent 25 years in the tax and accounting industry, I have learned many things but one always stands out to me - building a strong team both within our business and our clients businesses. We build strong teams by listening. Working with our team to achieve our...

Its ok to take a break!

Its ok to take a break!

Nothing makes me happier than receiving an email from a firm owner saying: "I am out of the office with no access to email until (date)" Yes, its okay to take a break. Even better, it is necessary to take a break and a REAL break. Not a beach vacation where you lie...

Colleagues vs Competition

Colleagues vs Competition

The Power of Collaboration!  I truely believe that we can work together and help each other. My fellow CPA's are my colleagues and not my competition. There is plenty of business to go around and we all have different styles, different values and different offers. A...

Assess your business risk

Assess your business risk

I have been working with several clients over the past week who are experiencing significant business risk - which leads to significant stress. What risk? Well, one client has 25% of their revenue coming from a single client. I think we can all agree, that is risky....

What do you do BEST?

What do you do BEST?

I see so many firms who want to do everything and be everything to everyone. It is not possible to be GREAT at everything. Good, maybe. In my experience, if you want to have a profitable firm with a team of A Players and duplicable systems, then keeping your service...

Design Processes BEFORE Implementing New Software

Design Processes BEFORE Implementing New Software

I had a long and somewhat heated discussion with a client yesterday who is pushing me to "pick a software" for them. I pushed back. We must complete our system process and be clear about how data and work flows in our firm BEFORE we select software to support those...

Promote from Within?

Promote from Within?

Have you done a deep dive assessment on each of your current team members? Did you use an outside consultant to help you with this assessment? In my experience, we are too close to our team to do an impartial objective assessment. You may have some golden nuggets...

The answers are in the numbers – or ARE they?

The answers are in the numbers – or ARE they?

Most recently I have been working with three clients on their people power. We have been reviewing each team members numbers over the last twelve months. These numbers, ratios and graphs will show us each team members productivity and hence "value" to the...

Is now a good time to sell my firm?

Is now a good time to sell my firm?

I Is now a good time to sell my firm? I get asked this question a lot! My answer is the same for buying or selling a home or getting married or having children or getting a dog (any of lifes big decisions!)  - is now a good time for you? There is no "rigfht time" for...

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