Educating Business Owners about Tax Deductions.

Keep your A Players – AND get a tax deduction

Business owners are always asking me about how to create competitive benefit packages. What can we offer our team members to keep them and not have them thinking the grass is greener at the competition. Health insurance? 401k Plans? Ulminited vacation? Yes to all of...

Inflation continues to affect me!

I went to the grocery store this week and yes, I see increased prices on some of my favorites. For a change, this is not just media hype. It is true. Inflation is real. Do you see the effects in your life? So back to groceries. Those who know me know I dont like...

IRS offers new incentives to get more people to file tax returns

Well in an interesting turn of events, the IRS has expanded all sorts of tax credits to people who file their 2021 tax returns. Even though the IRS is 6million returns behind in processing 2020 tax returns, they are inviting more Americans to file for 2021 with...

Who is on your TEAM?

I meet with my team every Monday to set the tone for our work week ahead. Who is on your team? When I say team, they don't have to be employees. Our team are the people who we work with and who support us. Some of my team are contractors but we are all aligned in...

Anxiously waiting for your Tax refund from the IRS?

Every day my email box is full of client concerns as they have not yet received their 2020 tax refunds. Its been months, literally months and no sign of their cash. The IRS website also isnt much help and just shows "in process". So what to do? Well, the only way to...

The person on the phone is NOT from the IRS

At this time of the year, scammers gear up to attach in full force. When you answer your phone and someone says they are from the irs you should: Record the number and then hang up the phone immediately. Report the call to TIGTA using their IRS Impersonation Scam...

Can Feb 1st be our New Year do over?

I don't know about you but January 1st 2022 was a rocky day for us. My husband was very sick with COVID and the rest of us were freaked out that we were all going to get sick. Not an auspicious start to 2022! So yesterday I sat down in the sun and did some journaling....

File your tax return early?

The BIG question - Should I file my tax return now or wait a few weeks? Well, usually I would say filing early is the best idea, especially if you are due a refund. Based on my experience from last year though, perhaps it may be best to wait. Last March 2021, we...

What smart money choices did you make THIS WEEK?

I touch my money every week. Friday is my money day. I reflect on the choices from the week and I look ahead to next week. How much will I need for next week/ What do I have coming up? What choices will I make? This week I met a friend for lunch at an outdoor mall on...

Do I need to hire an Accountant to File my Taxes?

That depends...not everyone needs an accountant to help them file their taxes. If you are conservative by nature and want to file a clean tax return, pay what you owe timely, then using an online tax software like TaxCut or TaxPro is a perfect solution. I recommend...

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