Educating Business Owners about Tax Deductions.

Chain of Command?

Chain of Command?

The military is a prime example of a chain of command. Efficiency at its best!  The chain of command saves lives. So do you have a chain of command in your business? I work with several businesses where we set up a gorgeous Org Chart and everyone agrees on their roles...

What is your Plan B if you dont have THE DREAM TEAM ?

What is your Plan B if you dont have THE DREAM TEAM ?

All the best plans sometimes amount to nothing but frustration. Is this you? Been interviewing for months but you still dont have "the dream team"? Feels like all your colleagues are staffed up and celebrating. Now what? Well, all is not lost. Rather than continuing...

When is your PAYROLL expense just too high?

When is your PAYROLL expense just too high?

I have been working with several clients to hire team members at all levels over the last few months. We have been so focused on the right person in the right seat on the proverbial bus BUT yesterday, I had an AHA moment about pricing and payroll and percentages. My...

Its OK to say NO thank you

Its OK to say NO thank you

I am always hiring. My clients are always hiring. This is best practices. How? We use direct sources like LinkedIn and Indeed BUT we also use recruiters. Over the last twelve years, I have found some fantastic recruiters and I have also found some unscrupulous...

Always Be Hiring

Always Be Hiring

The infamous line - Always Be Closing (ABC) can be rebranded for today's marketplace into Always Be Hiring. Yesterday a client asked me if now is a good time to be hiring and I responded that its always a good time to be hiring. Always. We work in an environment where...

Are you talking or are you listening?

Are you talking or are you listening?

How many meetings have you sat in and just listened? It is always amazing to me how much so many professionals like to hear themselves talk. Have you noticed that? I sat through a painful hour with a gentleman yesterday who just talked at me. Ugh. Now I love to talk...

Flat Fees or Line Item Charges?

Flat Fees or Line Item Charges?

Yesterday I had a long discussion with a client about how we bill for services. I prefer to bill a value added flat fee but my client prefers to bill like a lawyer where they line item out the charges for software like Quickbooks, Filing Fees and other ancillary...

How will you celebrate the holidays in your office?

How will you celebrate the holidays in your office?

If you have not yet communicated your holiday schedule with your team and your clients then NOW is the time. Any half days? Closed days? Your team are wondering and your clients probably havent even thought about it. This is a situation where over-communicating and...

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