Business owners continue to leave California to avoid taxes

Jul 6, 2023

People, especially business owners are still moving States to save tax dollars and improve their lifestyle. I moved from California to Florida in 2021 and that saved me 13% in income tax PLUS the cost of housing and gas are less than half what I had paid in California.

So yes it IS hot and humid but the ocean is nice and warm and we are now able to save whereas in California, we felt like we were always working to pay “the man”. The cost of living was so high that as hard as we worked, we just couldnt seem to get ahead.

So where are you? Can you make the move? Is it worth it for you?

The answer is not the same for everyone. Some businesses cannot be easily moved. Those owners would have to sell, incurr huge California capital gains taxes and then move. Hmnn, that doesn’t sound good.

I am happy to share my experiences, the pros and cons of making the move. Reach out me and lets discuss your situation. We can do some math and see exactly what your savings and lifestyle adjustments will be and then you will be in a better position to make a choice.


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