Can Feb 1st be our New Year do over?

Jan 31, 2022

I don’t know about you but January 1st 2022 was a rocky day for us. My husband was very sick with COVID and the rest of us were freaked out that we were all going to get sick. Not an auspicious start to 2022!

So yesterday I sat down in the sun and did some journaling. I decided February 1st will be my 2022 DO OVER for starting the year for real. I reviewed January. A good month by all accounts BUT February can be better!

How about you? How was January for you? What are your plans for February. I have decided that February is going to be a month of MASSIVE ACTION for me. Lots of doing , less thinking about doing. Are you with me?

We are going to start with WEEKLY 5 Tax Tips. Look out for those getting started this week!



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