Chain of Command?

Jan 18, 2024

The military is a prime example of a chain of command. Efficiency at its best!  The chain of command saves lives. So do you have a chain of command in your business? I work with several businesses where we set up a gorgeous Org Chart and everyone agrees on their roles and responsibilities BUT then somehow, the day to day operations dont mirror the chart.

For example, the Front Desk person realized we are out of paper and goes to the Managing Director. Hmnn, does this seem like a good use of resources? No!  The front desk person reports to the Office Manager who reports to the COO. Thats how the chart is set up for efficiency and to save lives.

How do we implement the chain of command? Old habits die hard and this is probably the biggest barrier I see in most businesses today. Making change especially when teams have worked together a long time and this is the way they have laways done things.

My solution is awareness. Make team members aware of their roles and responsibilities at every opportunity and be kind in reminders. No, Front Desk person, please dont come to me with office needs, please go to our Office Manager. Over and over again until the message is received and new behaviours take hold.

Patience, stay focused, it will happen.


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