Colleagues vs Competition

Jun 6, 2024

The Power of Collaboration!  I truely believe that we can work together and help each other. My fellow CPA’s are my colleagues and not my competition. There is plenty of business to go around and we all have different styles, different values and different offers. A client who is drawn to you may never be interested in working with me. So, let’s work together. Lets learn from each other. I see many professions do this well but in my experience, CPA’s dont seem to collaborate much.

When I moved to this area, I did not have any professional relationships so I dived into LinekdIn and found professionals to contact. Most had the attitude of “what do you want” while others heard me out and when I explained that I am looking to build my network and collaborate, some responses were a bleak “ok”. Disappointing BUT I am not giving up. I have met some fantastic professionals and I will keep on working to build collaborative relationships with my peers. I know it sounds corny but I do believe we will all do better when we work together.

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