Design Processes BEFORE Implementing New Software

May 21, 2024

I had a long and somewhat heated discussion with a client yesterday who is pushing me to “pick a software” for them. I pushed back. We must complete our system process and be clear about how data and work flows in our firm BEFORE we select software to support those processes. My client wants to pick a software and then mold their processes into the software. I don’t like it. Feels like putting the proverbial square peg in a round hole. Not a recipe for success and in my experience, the client will end up blaming the software (and me!) when processes and systems don’t work as intended.

Anyone have a similar experience?

Software is a tool, not the solution. I know strong marketing strategies may have you feeling otherwise as many software sales people push hard that they are in fact “the solution” but I differ in my opinion.

So, back to setting up and confirming your internal processes and systems first. Take your time, step back and away from the office and whiteboard how you would like your system to work. Then we can assess what we have in place against that goal.Flesh out who, where, what and how. Then we find the best tool to support that system.

Yes? Do you need help whiteboarding your systems? Let me know, I can help you.

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