Do I need to hire an Accountant to File my Taxes?

Jan 19, 2022

That depends…not everyone needs an accountant to help them file their taxes.

If you are conservative by nature and want to file a clean tax return, pay what you owe timely, then using an online tax software like TaxCut or TaxPro is a perfect solution. I recommend these systems to my family and friends all the time. These companies spend millions of dollars perfecting their systems. Just follow the prompts, answer the questions, upload your documents and your tax return will be ready for filing.

However, if you want to learn about income taxes, the documents you receive, what they mean and then how to maximize your deductions then I do recommend working with an accountant. Now remember, not all accountants are created equal!

When interviewing for an accountant, I recommend looking for someone who will take the time to teach, to answer your questions and be your collaborator on your taxes rather than someone who collects your documents, produces a tax return and says “sign here”. There is no value in that!

So as we enter this years tax filing season, which tax payer are you? Simple get it done or someone looking to learn?

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