Do you respond to inbound emails within 24 hours?

Nov 2, 2023

What is your client response time? My firm policy was same day by end of day. Some firms choose 24 hours, some choose within 3 business days. Amazon has forced us all to check our response time. Check our promises and under promise and over deliver.

No matter what response time seems appropriate for you and your team, I highly recommend that you make the expectation known to both your team and your clients and then to stick to it. Be consistent. That is the key to success when measuring expectations, consistency. And by the way, same policy can apply to any inbound inquiries via phone call or text or email. Pick a policy, share the policy and then be consistent in implementation.

There are many choices of software in the marketplace that can help with the automation of responses as well as template responses. Before you move forward, you need to decide what your firm value proposition is, who you serve and how you choose to serve. You set the strategy and the software supports that strategy, not the other way around.

Do you need help implementing a policy within your firm? Let me know. With my done-for-you solution, I will take care of this for you so that you can focus on growing your firm.


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