Dont tell other people how to spend their money

Feb 1, 2024

Many years ago my mentor Mike Michalowicz taught me never to judge who can and cannot afford our services and certainly never to tell people how to spend their money. I am reminded of this almost weekly as I meet with business prospects who claim to be struggling in their business. I listen. I hear their issues, their concerns and their excuses. Then I let them know how I work and what my fees would be to help them solve their problems and THEN, I stay quiet. Let the number settle.

In the quiet space I am always guessing – will they say yes or is it more than they can afford. How about you? What judgements are you making?

In almost twenty years of sales in the business of business, I have NEVER been accurate 100% of the time. So very often, a prospect will appear to not be able to afford our services and yet they say YES quickly. Or prospects that I guess CAN afford our services drag their feet and end up never signing up.

So what I have ultimately learned is that Mike is correct. We can never tell people how to spend their money. Only they can decide their priorities. Our role is simply to offer a service and solution to solve their problem. They they decide!


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