Finding the COACH to UPLEVEL YOU and your BUSINESS

Feb 27, 2024

I never thought that I would be the person to recommend a business or life coach but most recently, I have been working with business owners who are stuck. Stuck and not sure which path to take. Sometimes its a business path and sometimes its a personal path.

An example would be an owner of a CPA firm who is in her early 60s, makes good money but works hard. She loves what she does and after reviewing her business, I made the recommendation that she sell now rather than implement remote workers and go paperless and then sell (its a loooooong story). Her sticking point is – what will I do next?  This is where a great fit life coach can step in and help her find her calling, her next career move or personal move. Sometimes too many choices can be overwhelming and lead to no choice at all. A good coach can help.

Where a business owner is stuck and can use coaching can be in the area of growth – who are your ideal clients and how does your business look five or ten years from now. Or if a business owner is frustrated and cant seem to make a choice or solve a problem.

Be clear that a coach is NOT hired to give you answers. That is the role of a consultant. A coach is there to guide you and motivate you to move forward or make changes.

If you need help finding a coach who will be a good fit, reach out to me and lets talk about what you are hoping to accomplish and why.

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