Flat Fees or Line Item Charges?

Nov 28, 2023

Yesterday I had a long discussion with a client about how we bill for services. I prefer to bill a value added flat fee but my client prefers to bill like a lawyer where they line item out the charges for software like Quickbooks, Filing Fees and other ancillary service related charges.  Hmnn. I do see both sides of the discussion but I am convinced that a Flat Fee is a better marketing and mindset strategy. I feel as though seeing line items on a bill gives clients pause for thought and for mepersonally, I find it irritating and penny pinching. As a consumer of professional services, just let me know what your fee is and I will budget accordingly.

What are your thoughts? How are you billing clients?

Our goal is to make billing clients as easy as possible and flat fee subscription billing has always been the simplest form, in my experience. Bills go out automatically and we seldom if ever, get client queries as their bill matches the agreement and they know what that amount is each month.  Are you spending time taking client calls about bills?

Let’s share our experiences. I am open to pros and cons as our industry continues to change in the face of automation, lets keep making progress and moving forward to increase our productivity, our profitability and therefore our attention to client needs.

Contact me. I would love to hear your take on this.


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