Focus on Making more Money and NOT on Spending Less

Apr 1, 2022

Good morning taxpayers and welcome to another Friday being MONEY DAY. It seems to me that life just keeps happening to us all. This week my husband was in agony with a sore tooth. After two dental appointments, we find he needs to have a tooth removed and an implant. He sees pain and I see dollar signs. Yup, this is going to be expensive. We do have dental insurance coverage but I never count on that for too much. So, plan as we may, life happens.

We have savings set aside for emergencies, we just hope emergencies won’t happen but they do.

So Plan B. I have been having many many conversations with freinds and colleagues this week about making more money. Some are thinking about taking on side work, projects while others are baking cookies to sell. I am looking at Franchises. I know they cost money on the outlay but I like the support and the idea that someone has already done all the research and set forth a plan for me to follow.

What are your plans to make more money?

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