How will you celebrate the holidays in your office?

Nov 16, 2023

If you have not yet communicated your holiday schedule with your team and your clients then NOW is the time.

Any half days? Closed days? Your team are wondering and your clients probably havent even thought about it. This is a situation where over-communicating and reminders are important in order to avoid frustrations and complaints from both sides.

So what holiday plans work best for you and your team and your clients? There is no one answer. It depends. Some firms roll the schedule to share time off between team members so for example, some team members take the week of Thanksgiving off and other the week of Christmas. Some firms close both weeks. Some firms dont close at all if this is a busy time for year end planning as their teams enjoy time off in the summer.

Another aspect to consider is our firm expenses. Have you budgeted for this paid time off and how does that affect cash flow coming into the year end. We must also address the timing and expenses of holiday parties, events and gifts. Again, there is no right or wrong here. It depends on your cash flow and your team.

Look at your team, your clients and your workload and make a choice. Then be sure to communicate your choice.

AND, if you are unsure, reach out to me and let’s discuss. As an objective third party with 25 years experience in this industry, I am able to give you a perspective that you may not have otherwise considered.

Let’s make this the very BEST holiday season for you, your family, your team and your clients!

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