Oct 31, 2023

Hmnnn, I don’t believe you for one hot minute. Why? Because there is no such thing as the perfect software solution. The best solution is one that meets as many of your needs as possible but perfect, nope, not possible.

Having worked in tax and accounting for twenty five years, I have experienced many software changes. Some are fantastic, others a bust but never a perfect solution. Implementation, change management and then effective use are all important factors in the success of any solution you choose.

Now, in a position to recommend and implement software for my clients, I am extremely focused on managing expectations. What do we wish the software will do? What does it do? Does that meet our needs? And above all, I always look at the customer service component. No matter which solution you choose, there will always be a need to reach out to customer service. If the solution offers timely and responsive customer service, that is a huge plus for me as over time, the lack of timely and responsive customer service will cause frustration that far outweghs the operational benefits of any software solution. Would you agree?

Is your current software frustrating to you and your team? reach out to me. Lets do an assessment as see if there is a better fit for you in the marketplace because remember, I dont just make a recommendation, I will also implement the system for you.



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