I have tax questions – where do I go for answers?

Jun 6, 2023

As with most serious matters like money and your health, I do not recommend turning to Google. I love Google and Alexa and Siri but they dont always have the answers appropriate for your specific question. The same applies to ChatGPT. Yes you will get an answer but your specific situation may render the information or solution received as inappropriate or not useful.

So where does a taxpayer go for answers?

Well a shameless plug is that I always recommend you call your CPA or tax advisor with questions. If they dont offer a timely and meaningful answer then find a new CPA or tax advisor who will be willing and able to answer your questions in a timely and useful manner.

My next best suggestion is to check out the IRS website. I know that sounds scary but the website actually is quite user friendly and has a robus search function. Here you will find the rules and requirements clearly laid out. Then from there you can do further investigations yourself if you feel comfortable. Calling the IRS is still frustrating, in my opinion as hold times are long and for every agent that I get on the phone I seem to get a different answer.

My website also has a Resources section with plenty of worksheets for you to download. You are also welcome to reach out to me anytime and if I cannot help you I will find someone who can. My passion and my mission is to help you keep more of your hard earned money so that you can support your family, the family of your team members and build your communities.

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