Is your TEAM working?

Sep 26, 2023

CPA firms nationwide have been struggling to find A Players for their teams, especially experienced A Players. I have been working with several medium sized firms over the last few weeks as their Fractional CEO, implementing the tools and strategies that I used to grow and then sell my own firm. I KNOW what works.

What I have found is that firms seem to have a cobbled together team with mixed roles and responsibilities and a hodge podge of skill sets. Is this your firm? You hired because you needed people and choices were slim?  In my experience, all professional service firms are struggling with these same issues.

Well STOP. Just STOP. Take the time to assess your team. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? What work do they enjoy. It is time to rebuild your Organizational Chart EVEN if this means reducing your clients and pairing down services. With a valuable team in place we can INCREASE prices and do great work.

Just “hoping” the situation will improve is neither a strategy nor a plan. Lets use this time BEFORE 2024 is upon us, to stop, assess, make plans and move forward.

Reach out to me if your professional firm is stuck with a mediocre and overpaid team of people. We can make changes and move you forward.

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