Its ok to take a break!

Jun 13, 2024

Nothing makes me happier than receiving an email from a firm owner saying:

“I am out of the office with no access to email until (date)”

Yes, its okay to take a break. Even better, it is necessary to take a break and a REAL break. Not a beach vacation where you lie under an umbrella on your laptop. A tech free break is where I see the biggest benefit in recharging for my clients, and myself.

And here is the craziest piece – rather than slowing down the business, taking a tech free break seems to speed up the business. I have been taking at least one week tech free for over 8 years and without fail, I get back to my desk and find emails and calls have come in with amazing unexpected business opportunities.

Now you do have to have your business set up well so that you can step away. This means having some one or several someone’s on your team who can manage client needs and or manage your email inox in your absence. If you dont have that, please reach out to me so that I can help you get systems in place to allow you to go tech free.

And one week is the minimum. Some years I took several weeks tech free a year. Take back your life. Your clients dont own you. Your team dont own you. You owe it to yourself and to your family to unplug and de-stress for your physical and mental health. I promise that as scary as it sounds, you will come back so much stronger and so will your team and your business. Guaranteed!

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