Learning the REAL DEAL about taxes

Mar 30, 2023

There is so much misinformation on the web about income taxes and income tax deductions. My passion and my purpose is to help business owners find the REAL DEAL. I love to guest on podcasts, I blog and I speak on stages across the US.  My website is full of free and downloadable resources. Use them!  My book, That’s Deductible is available on Amazon. Read it!  Educate yourself on how income taxes work and how you can know fact from fiction.

Here is a podcast interview from last week. Grant and I, both financial professionals, discuss all things income tax, business, the future of the advising professions and so much more. Listen in and listen up. Gold nuggets dropped here.

AND then if you still have questions, reach out to me. In the months of April and May I am traveling around the country speaking on conference stages, teaches taxes to business owners so if I am in a city near you, I will gladly come to you for a one on one all day business intensive. Let me show you how to be 50% profitable, work less and have a path to success and freedom. In just one day, money back guaranteed!

GMB Ep #174: Helping Business Owners Manage Their Tax Bill With Wendy Barlin

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