Let it GO!

Jan 30, 2024

Yes you can!  Let your EMAIL BOX go. I know it is scary. I know your email is your everything and yes, mistakes can happen but I guarantee you that with the right person managing your email box, you will be liberated. You will have more time to focus on business development. You will feel more focused on the work you are doing every day and you will sleep better at night. I know this because I did this. It was hard. I will admit. I was nervous. I was anxious. What if a critical email was missed?

But here I am after relinquishing my email box over 8 years ago. Did mistakes happen, sure. However, my business grew exponentially and I am able to travel. Travel without my email. I can sit at my sons basketball game and keep me eyes on him and not on my phone – yes I see you and so do your children. That alone is worth the move.

You can do this. Do you need help choosing the right person? Or do you need help setting up your systems? Let me know. I can show you how to be free of your inbox. Focus on what matters.

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