My office is just a desk in my bedroom – can I deduct my home office?

Feb 14, 2023

Yes!  The IRS requires that your home office be your primary office. Those are the exact words written in the law. Primary Office. It is not required that you have a dedicated space. So what is the difference? Well most importantly, the IRS requires that you do not have another office elsewhere. You must primarily work from home. There have been several law suits over the last few years where professionals like lawyers and doctors have deducted a home office and the IRS has said a hard no. These professionals have offices outside of their home but choose to do work from home in the evenings or weekends OR they do administration work from home. The IRS has been clear in these cases that their home office is simply a choice and or a convenience and hence does not qualify as a primary office.

So is your home office your primary office? If you are unsure, please reach out to me and let’s discuss your particular situation. This is an extremely valuable income tax deduction that we want you to take if you are in fact eligible.

Your office or workspace does not have to be a separate room with a door. It just needs to be a space that you routinely use for work. Measure the space. What percentage of your entire home is it? This is how the income tax deduction is calculated. For a deeper look at the number, I have a worksheet for download on my website. This will quickly and easily show you how to calculate your home office deduction.

Also, if your CPA or tax accountant is telling you not to take a home office deduction, that it will trigger an audit then RUN RUN RUN. They are absolutely wrong. There are millions of home office filers in this country today and we havent seen routine home office audits since the late 90s.

Reach out ot me and let’s see how we can maximize your home office deduction.

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