Offer a Money Back Guarantee

Feb 20, 2024

Do you offer a money back guarantee on your services? If not, why not?

In my experience, if an unhappy customer approaches me with a valid concern about our services being the difference between what we promised and what we delivered, I will refund their money. So I say so on my website and in all my communications – if we dont do what we say we will do then we will refund your money. It is true and we will. This allows customers to more easily agree to work with us as they can be assured that they will get what they pay for and what we have promised. We stand behind our promises. I am pretty sure you do to so why are you avoiding a money back guarantee?

Yes, it happens that some customers dont follow our guidance and then ask for a refund. They are not eligible. Be clear about your money back guarantee and who is eligible and why.

Since 2011 when I implemented this strategy, I have issued money back to one customer. It was painful. I still remember the feeling in my chest. It was horrible but I stood behind our guarantee and I refunded their fees. It does happen and it will happen but think of all the happy customers who may not perhaps have signed up with us for fear of the large price tag and being disappointed.

Guarantees work. Use them wisely.

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