Our connections are often the quickest solutions

Jan 25, 2024

When faced with what seems like an insurmountable problem, what do you do? I may be old school because I dont turn to ChatGPT or Google. I turn to my network. I reach out to my connections and I ask for help. My network and my connection are my goldmine of solutions. And I hope that in turn, my network would reach out to me if they found themselves in a sticky situation. The power of connections has come through for me time and time again.

Being remote and working from home only makes my network even more valuable.

Just yesterday, I was at my desk, staring at my screen hoping for a solution to a client challenge to jump out and present itself. Well that didnt work. So I took my dog for a walk instead. After 30 minutes of fresh air, I realized the answer lay in my connections, my network. I reached out to a colleague and within 30 minutes, I had a viable solution.

Now whether my client likes and approves of my solution is another matter BUT I was able to present what I believe was a credible solution to the problem they faced.

Anyone want to connect and see how we can help each other solve client problems?





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