TAXES – a Most Feared Word

Jun 7, 2022

I had so much fun recording this podcast with Elba Cepeda. In our economy post pandemic lock downs, we are seeing a huge surge in new business growth. Employees leaving jobs and starting their own businesses. From gig workers offering their services to franchises are selling more units than ever before. More so in the over 50 years old category than any other demographic. What is driving this desire to be a business owner after 50? Making more money? Having more free time? For me, it feels like being in control of our own destiny.  No excuses, you too can make this leap. There are lumps and bumps along the way in being a business owner but we learn and grow together.

Listen to this podcast. I offer advice to business owners on basic business principles for success, tax strategies and how to find more tax deductions so that you keep more of your hard earned money. Elba is a fun and lively host! Completely unscripted, just a conversation.

Although this podcast is aimed at those over 50, the tax and business strategies apply to everyone!

Listen here:

And for additional tax resources like Home Office Deduction worksheets, go to my website at

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