The answers are in the numbers – or ARE they?

May 7, 2024

Most recently I have been working with three clients on their people power. We have been reviewing each team members numbers over the last twelve months. These numbers, ratios and graphs will show us each team members productivity and hence “value” to the organization. Or will they? Do the numbers and the brightly colored graphs truely show their contribution?

I am not convinced. The data shows a pattern and shows a critical element of productivity and “success” however what about the team members who are always helping others, going above and beyond for clients and team mates. Those efforts, commitment and values are not necessarily reflected in the data. So, my recommendation is that we need to expand our data from just financial reports to human reports. What are clients saying? We need to be asking out clients for their feedback on their experiences. We need to be asking team mates to thank and call out others who are critical to their own success. Then we will have a more robust and inclusive reporting mechanism.

Do you have any strategies to gather feedback? How do you include this feedback in your analysis of team “value”?

Come to my open “office hours” on Friday at 9am PT/noon EST and join our lively discussion about team review. Who stays and who goes.

For a more private discussion, reach out to me via email.

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