The IRS says $1.5Billion in tax refunds remain unclaimed

Jun 15, 2023

According to the IRS, $1.5 billion in refunds remain unclaimed.

Wow, that is your money!  If you have not yet filed your 2019 tax return, you have until July 17th to get that filed in order to claim your refund or else you lose it, gone. I know the idea of filing tax returns is overwhelming for many people. I get it. We as a profession have not made it easy for you either. I am here to work hard to change that narrative. Let us help you. Let me help you.

How do we do this? Well the hard part is gathering 2019 documents. Bank statements, 1099s, whatever you can get your hands on for us to reconstruct your year. We make a list and then set about hunting it down. Its just paper, we can find the trail. We have done this as far back as 8 years for some clients.

Even if you are concerned you will owe money, lets crunch the numbers together. You may be surprised at the deductions to which you are entitled and that you may in fact be due a refund. I see this so often when taxpayers reach out to me concerned about balances they may owe but when we look at the numbers, they actually dont owe anything and have spend years stressing about something that we can resolve. Imagine if you are due a refund? Yes, the governement wants to send you your money. Let’s help them do that.

With the ups and downs of the economy, uncertainty and inflation, we all need to be responsible for every dollar we have earned.

And for those of you wanting to do 2023 tax planning and GET ahead of your cash and taxes, I have 2 spots still available this month for one on one consulting sessions.


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