Travel TO you clients location – pure gold

Feb 13, 2024

Over the last six months I have made it my business to travel to a clients site. I walk around their offices. I spend time with their team. This is pure gold!

I know, you may groan at the time and costs involved and yes, it is expensive but the ROI is huge. Build the costs of an on site visit (or more than one!) into your fees. I absolutely guarantee that this experience will elevate your work with a deeper understanding of your client and their challenges.

Now as many of you know, I built a very successful remote business and I still love working from home and I still believe in remote work. Where a client has a brick and morter office however, I have found it critical to my consulting for me to be able to experience their world. The good and the bad. I always come away from the on site experience with knowledge I never would have had on zoom alone.

Last week I went to two offices. Same firm but two locations. The difference was horrifying. One location was loud and busy and messy and unproductive and the other was quiet and organized and pumping out work product. Hmnn. Same firm. Two completely different locations. What a challenge!  Completely changes my approach to consulting with this client.

So, I challenge you to get in the car or get on a plane and go and visit your clients in person. It matters. It makes a difference.

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