Weekly team meetings – YES!

Jul 9, 2024

YES, I am a fan of weekly team meetings. You pick the day. My preference is before lunch on Monday or end of day Thursday but pick what works best for you and your team. My team meetings were always virtual and you can choose a combination of virtual and in person or either. There really is no right or wrong here. The point is – schedule the meetings weekly and stick to the schedule.

My other recommendation is to keep the meeting short. I could never get below 30 minutes but if you can, even better. No more than 30 minutes!  The intention of these meetings is a touch base, high level open items, people and client updates. High level. Any deeper discussions need to be noted and dealt with outside of the all team meeting.

Use an AGENDA and nominate a time keeper. Share the Agenda with the team so that they know what to expect. The time keeper’s role is critical to keep the meeting moving and on schedule. What you include in your meeting is up to you. If you’d like a copy of an agenda I use, please contact me and I will gladly share with you.

In addition to weekly team meetings, I also recommend a Monthly and then Quarterly Team Meetings which are longer, about an hour and at these meetings we share more detailed client and firm updates.

People and time are our resources, use them wisely!

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