What do you do BEST?

May 23, 2024

I see so many firms who want to do everything and be everything to everyone. It is not possible to be GREAT at everything. Good, maybe.

In my experience, if you want to have a profitable firm with a team of A Players and duplicable systems, then keeping your service offerings limited is the pathway to success.

What do you do best? Who are your ideal clients who need your BEST service? This is where we want to focus your time and energy. Go narrow. I know for some this feels counter intuitive and I often hear the expression – “we are leaving money on the table”. Pennies. Thats what your net effect will likely be for the money you are so scared to leave on the table.

Yesterday I spoke with a firm owner who came across a very experienced employee in an area of service his firm does not cover but hired this person and is now building out a new department around their skill set. Interesting approach. I will follow up with him this time next year for an update. Personally, I would recommend putting resources into growing your current and successful model.  Anyone implemented this growth model with success?

I like the 3 tier model approach. I like the custom service approach. Keep your offerings simple. Offer only your best services!


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