What is your Plan B if you dont have THE DREAM TEAM ?

Jan 16, 2024

All the best plans sometimes amount to nothing but frustration. Is this you? Been interviewing for months but you still dont have “the dream team”? Feels like all your colleagues are staffed up and celebrating. Now what?

Well, all is not lost. Rather than continuing to interview and feel the pressure to just “pick someone’, anyone, lets change our focus and look to our goals. What are we wanting to achieve?

For most of us, we want to meet and or exceed our clients expectations. If we dont have our dream team, what can we do?

I recommend you triage your client list. This is not as easy as it sounds. You may have done this last year with an eye on visibility but now your focus needs to be on value creation.

Your most valuable clients can be those who pay you the most but they can also be clients who are excellent referral sources even though they pay less. Take some time and value your clients. Who are the 20% that bring in 80% of the firm value. Those are the clients we MUST attend to at the highest level over the coming months with the team that we have in place. Each week, look at your work in process and bump the most valued clients to the top. Don’t slip, dont let your team get side tracked by clients who yell the loudest. Stay focused on the value. Exceed the expectations of the 20% and I am absolutely sure that you will be successful this busy season.

If you need help, reach out to me. I can walk you through this process and set you on the path to massive value creation.


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