What smart money choices did you make THIS WEEK?

Jan 21, 2022

I touch my money every week. Friday is my money day. I reflect on the choices from the week and I look ahead to next week. How much will I need for next week/ What do I have coming up? What choices will I make?

This week I met a friend for lunch at an outdoor mall on Wednesday. It was a glorious sunny day and I was 30 minutes early. Hmnn, what to do? The stores cried out my name with their aggressive sale posters in the windows…Lululemon, WHBM, Coach, I wanted it all. I took a deep breath and stopped myself. I dont NEED anything. I have a closet full of clothes. I want stuff yes but I dont need it.

So I kept walking to the furthest end of the mall where I found a bench in the sun and I parked myself on that bench. Feet firmly planted to the ground. I help my ground until my friend arrived. It was difficult, very difficult.

But, this morning I am so relieved that I didnt let up, that I didnt find an excuse to go into a store and buy one more “something” that I dont need.

What choices did you make this week that you are proud of?

PS: Our waitlist for our 8 week Thats deductible Program is now open at www.wendybarlin.com


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