Whatis it worth to you to solve your problem NOW?

Jun 22, 2023

I finally made it in to see a podiatrist yesterday. I have pain in my right ankle and a bump on my achilles. The doctor suggested an MRI so that she could see exactly what the issue is. It could be scar tissue or it could be an active tear which would be bad. While I wait for my medical insurance company to approve and schedule the MRI, no physical activity. No walking, no biking, no tennis, no golf. All the activities I enjoy. And how long is the wait………….2 weeks!

The alternative is that I can go for a same day MRI and just pay cash for it. Then within 24 hours I can see the doctor to review the MRI and have a solution and get back to my life.

Which would you choose? I chose to pay and solve my problem right away.

Same with your business and your money. Are you stuck waiting to decide about hiring or investing in growth? Worried about how much tax you will still owe for the year? You do not need to wait to decide.

What are you waiting for? And how much will you pay to get the answer you need today?!?!

I can help you solve your problem, make a choice and get on with your business. I have ONE appointment open next week for a one on one consultation. The question is, how badly do you want and need your solution and will you gladly pay for it? THEN you are my ideal client and we can work together to find you your solution. I would also add that waiting is costing you money. Every day that you dont make a choice is costing you dearly. So choose.

I will tell you that what I spent on that MRI was worth every penny. I am meeting with the podiatrist later today to review the results. I could be back on the golf course tomorrow!

So what do you choose?

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