When is the RIGHT TIME?

Oct 10, 2024

When is the “right time” to retire? In my opinion, there is no “right time”. It is when the time is right for you! With the PE money coming into the accounting space, we are seeing mergers, sales and everything in between. Firm owners are feeling the pressure. Shall I sell? Is it the “right time”? Will I miss a cirtical opportunity?

In these conversations, I prefer to dive into what you want for your life and your firm. Maybe its now, maybe its later and maybe its something in between. And, if you do step away now, what will you do? I have some firm owners who want to teach or consult or switch careers. Then yes, NOW may be the time.

The advent of the new platforms coming into the accounting space is allowing firms and firm owners to find solutions to every possible sort of exit strategy, be it now or later. There are platforms that will run your back office, allowing you to continue to grow your firm and do the work you love to do.

So lets talk about you, your firm and your plans. THEN we can decide how an exit strategy fits in.

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