Who are your passengers?

Oct 26, 2023

Have you heard of the business analogy where the bus is your business and your team are your passengers? Do you have the right passengers for your bus AND are your passengers in the right seats on the bus? I love this analogy because it causes us to think about 2 critical pieces in our business:

  1. Do we have the right team members?
  2. Are our team members in their best roles within our business?

Just this week I heard an extremely successful business owner talking about a team member that she really respects and enjoys working with but who is not very good at her current role. I hear this very often! We hire someone for a specific role only to find out, they are not a good fit. Then rather than invite them to leave, we try desparately to find a better seat on the bus for that person. This doesnt work!

In my 25 years experience in business, I have found that squeezing team members into seats they dont belong in ruins the journey for the entire team.

We simply must start with an analysis of every seat.

When last did you do this in your business? Reach out to me and let’s get to work. I am offering a one time Assessment of your bus for $2997 , available in November only.

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