Who is on your TEAM?

Feb 7, 2022

I meet with my team every Monday to set the tone for our work week ahead. Who is on your team? When I say team, they don’t have to be employees. Our team are the people who we work with and who support us. Some of my team are contractors but we are all aligned in common values and goals so we are cohesive and behave as a team, irrespective of our legal or tax related titles.

I have found some of my most committed team members in contractors. We do need to be careful about the laws that govern hiring contractors by State and City however I really want to make the point that you don’t need to have traditional payroll employees in order to build a team.

So let’s think about expanding the definition of our team. We can include our coaches, consultants, collaborators. These are all people we work with you are integral to our success.

A team of one is lonely. A team of one struggles to make huge leaps and strides. Can you turn your team of one into a team of two?

Let me help you take your business to the next level. Find me at www.wendybarlin.com

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