Educating Business Owners about Tax Deductions.

Shiny Object Syndrome – are you a victim?

I think to some degree we all fall prey to shiny object syndrome at some point in our day. We all want that easy solution, the quick fix. If it were ONLY so simple!?!? My Facebook, LinkedIn and IG feeds are full of stories and reels from software providers and other...



Are you feeling stretched right now? Tax season plans not working out as you had hoped? Ask for help! I used to think that asking for help was a sign of weakness but being a working single mom to a baby girl, I got over that mindset quickly. I had to ask for help to...

Rising tides raise all ships!  Join a small group mastermind in 2024

Rising tides raise all ships! Join a small group mastermind in 2024

Many industries have collaborative groups - lawyers, realtors, insurance agencies BUT CPA firms seem to go it alone. Some firm owners hire a coach or consultant to help them in growing and structuring their firm for success but I dont see a lot of MASTERMIND groups....

Finding the COACH to UPLEVEL YOU and your BUSINESS

Finding the COACH to UPLEVEL YOU and your BUSINESS

I never thought that I would be the person to recommend a business or life coach but most recently, I have been working with business owners who are stuck. Stuck and not sure which path to take. Sometimes its a business path and sometimes its a personal path. An...

Offer a Money Back Guarantee

Offer a Money Back Guarantee

Do you offer a money back guarantee on your services? If not, why not? In my experience, if an unhappy customer approaches me with a valid concern about our services being the difference between what we promised and what we delivered, I will refund their money. So I...

Travel TO you clients location – pure gold

Travel TO you clients location – pure gold

Over the last six months I have made it my business to travel to a clients site. I walk around their offices. I spend time with their team. This is pure gold! I know, you may groan at the time and costs involved and yes, it is expensive but the ROI is huge. Build the...

Dont tell other people how to spend their money

Dont tell other people how to spend their money

Many years ago my mentor Mike Michalowicz taught me never to judge who can and cannot afford our services and certainly never to tell people how to spend their money. I am reminded of this almost weekly as I meet with business prospects who claim to be struggling in...

Let it GO!

Let it GO!

Yes you can!  Let your EMAIL BOX go. I know it is scary. I know your email is your everything and yes, mistakes can happen but I guarantee you that with the right person managing your email box, you will be liberated. You will have more time to focus on business...

Our connections are often the quickest solutions

Our connections are often the quickest solutions

When faced with what seems like an insurmountable problem, what do you do? I may be old school because I dont turn to ChatGPT or Google. I turn to my network. I reach out to my connections and I ask for help. My network and my connection are my goldmine of solutions....

Are you collaborating WITH your peers?

Are you collaborating WITH your peers?

I have worked in the tax and accounting industry for twenty five years and I have not found much professional collaboration between firms. Let's work together to change that!  We are not competitors, we are colleagues. There is plenty of business for all of us. How...

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